20-Mark: Herod, John, and Jesus: A Tale of Power, Sin, and Redemption | Mark 6 Explained

Mar 16, 2025    Pastor Christopher Thompson

Dive into the dramatic narrative of Mark 6:14-29 in this powerful sermon! Explore the story of Herod Antipas, the beheading of John the Baptist, and the rising influence of Jesus Christ. Discover the historical context of Herod the Great, Herodias' ambition, and the political intrigue that shaped Jesus' ministry. This message uncovers themes of power, sin, and the ultimate hope of redemption through God's plan, as seen in the Gospel of Mark.

🔍 Key Topics Covered:

Who was Herod Antipas and his role in John the Baptist's death?

The scandalous marriage of Herodias and its consequences

Jesus’ growing fame and identity in the halls of power

The promise of redemption amidst tragedy (2 Corinthians 5:6-8)

Biblical history: From Herod the Great to Pontius Pilate

#HerodtheGreat, #HerodAntipas, #johnthebaptist , #jesus, #Mark6, #biblestudy , #GospelofMark, Herodias, King Herod, Massacre of the Innocents, #biblicalhistory , #christiansermons , Jesus ministry, John beheaded, #repentance , #newtestament , #faith , #redemption

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